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Frequently Asked Questions

Emergencies or Incidents Abroad

In the event of a medical evacuation or security evacuation, that evacuation must be coordinated by AXA Assistance, our assistance provider through CISI. AXA Assistance will coordinate for all transportation related to the evacuation and will bill CISI directly for those expenses for any covered evacuations. If there is the potential for an evacuation to be needed, AXA Assistance (+001 (312) 935-1703) or Global Safety & Risk Management (+001 (540) 750-5747) should be contacted immediately to begin that process.

Travelers with a personal medical emergency requiring a change in flight should contact AXA Assistance, our assistance provider through CISI. AXA Assistance will asssit with ensuring that the new travel plans accomodate your medical needs based on your treating physicians guidance.

Contact AXA Assistance (+001 (312) 935-1703) or Global Safety & Risk Management (+001 (540) 750-5747) as soon as possible to begin the support coordination process.

AXA Assistance (security assistance provider) - +001 (312) 935-1703,

Global Safety & Risk Management - +001 (540) 750-5747

Virginia Tech Police Department - +001 (540) 231-6411 (ext. 1)

Travel health notices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are designed to inform travelers about current health issues related to specific destinations. There are three categories of travel notices:

  • Level 1: Practice Usual Precautions
  • Level 2: Practice Enhanced Precautions
  • Level 3: Reconsider Nonessential Travel
  • Leve 4: Avoid All Travel

For additional information, visit

The health, safety, and security of faculty, staff, and students is a top priority of Virginia Tech, including during university-supported international travel. Owing to concerns for the safety, security and wellbeing of our group members, Virginia Tech does not support student participation in universitysupported global education activities in locations where an U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 4 (Do not travel) has been issued, or to any region within a country with an elevated, persistent or transient health, safety, or security issue (U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 4 or 3 (Reconsider travel), or other safety concerns unique to Virginia Tech).

Individuals or group members on university-supported activities are prohibited from traveling to countries or coming to Virginia Tech from countries where the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has issued a Warning Level 3 travel notice. This applies across the board to all aspects of university programming whether it be educational, research, or outreach. In cases of compelling need, travelers can petition the Global Travel Oversight Committee (GTOC) for a waiver to allow for critical travel to a location that is restricted by Virginia Tech Policy 1070: Global Travel Policy.

The Procedure to Request an Exception to Policy - International Travel details the process to petition GTOC for an exception to universtiy policy for high risk travel.


International Medical and Evacuation insurance is meant to cover travelers in case of minor or severe medical concerns or emergencies. For this insurance, Virginia Tech currently uses Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI), underwritten by ACE American Insurance Company, with support assistance from AXA Assistance.

Insurance is mandatory for all university-supported international travel. Travelers must individually enroll through the university's process outlined on this page

Through CISI, ensured Hokies have access to:

  • On-staff doctors and translators
  • $50,000 medical max per illness or injury
  • Coverage provided worldwide
  • 24/7 emergency assistance
  • Payment guarantees to hospitals worldwide
  • Ability to reimburse in foreign currencies
  • Quick and easy enrollment online
  • Personal effects coverage from theft or damage

International emergency medical and security assistance insurance through Virginia Tech's policy with CISI is mandatory for students, employees, dependents, and guests traveling on university-supported international travel which includes

  • study abroad
  • service learning
  • conferences
  • internships/externships
  • competitions
  • research
  • field work
  • business meetings
  • and more

Travelers must individually enroll through the university's process outlined on this page. When enrolled, the service during the coverage period includes 24/7/365 worldwide assistance services – a resource for everything from a lost passport to an emergency evacuation.

No, the university does not insure personal property and will not cover the cost of travel insurance. The only insurance offered for university-supported travel is medical and security assistance insurance. 

While optional, we strongly recommend that university-supported travelers enroll accompanying dependents in Virginia Tech's contracted policy with CISI so that family members have the same coverage.

Employees leading student groups abroad must follow Controller Office Travel Procedures. In addition, credit-bearing groups must register through the Global Education Approval Committee and non-credit groups must register through VT Engage. Go to the faculty-led page on the Global Education Office for more details.

A minimum of two weeks prior to your departure date of travel. If you do not have an approved preapproval at least two weeks prior to travel, you should contact the Global Education Office,

A preapproval will still be required to be completed in the Chrome River system

Virginia Tech Policy 1070: Global Travel Policy requires that all university-supported travel outside of the 50 United States to be registered prior to the travel. Travel that is not funded through Virginia Tech is also reported through Chrome River to ensure consistent reporting and review of travel. A $1 Pre-Approval can be submitted to report travel that is not funded through Virginia Tech.

Virginia Tech Policy 1070: Global Travel Policy defines "global travel" as travel outside of the 50 United States. This means that travel to U.S. territories is included within global travel.

Yes. All individuals traveling on university business or with funding for their travel through Virginia Tech are subject to university policies and procedures related to that travel.

Yes, all U.S. Citizens travelling outside the continental United States should have a valid U.S. passport, with an expiration date at least 6 months after the end of your travel dates.

For additional information regarding a U.S. Passport, visit U.S. Passports:

It depends upon the country and the reason for travel. Currently, the United States has visa waiver programs in place with 38 countries. If you are traveling to visa waiver countries for tourism, you will not need a visa. For travel that is not for tourism or for travel to non-visa waiver countries, consult the country specific information available on website.

For country specific information about immunizations, vaccinations and medications, visit

Check the list and visit your doctor (4-6 weeks) before your trip.

Virginia Tech has a Travel Clinic that can assist with immunizations and medications required for international travel.

Environmental Health and Safety can asssit with immunizations and medicaitons if the travel is related to research.

Transport prescriptions in their original, labeled containers along with documentation of the prescription, like the printout from the pharmacy.

Medication must be carried by the person it is prescribed to.

Medication should be brought abroad in carry-on luggage, NEVER in checked luggage.

Carry enough medication to last for the duration of the trip. It is wise to bring an additional 1-2 days of medication beyond your planned travel dates in case there are delays in your return travel.

Consider carrying a signed and dated letter from your doctor, on their letterhead, that includes:

  • Your name, date of birth, your passport number and the length of time you will be in each country,
  • The name (generic) of each medication and dose,
  • The ammount of medication you are carrying,
  • The duration of use for the medication, and
  • The medical condition that the medication is treating.

Restricted medications

Several commonly prescribed medications in the United States are restricted or illegal in other countries. Check with the foreign embassy of the country you are visiting or contact AXA Assistance,, for pre-departure assistance. Contact Global Safety & Risk Management if you would like assitance with that outreach.

Numerous departments at Virginia Tech have a role in ensuring international shipments are conducted in compliance with university policies and procedures as well as federal regulations. These policies and procedures include but are not limited to Policy No. 13045: Export Control, Sanctions, and Research Security Compliance, Procurement customs and import Issues with department orders and information about express shipping and/or freight, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidance for shipping and transporting biological material and chemical and radiological shipping and Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) material transfer agreements.

In order to satisfy the necessary compliance reviews and assist the departments that wish to ship internationally, please complete the following request form that will be shared with Procurement, Office of Export and Secure Research Compliance (OESRC), EHS and OSP. Based on the responses in this form, those departments will contact you if there is a compliance concern or if you have indicated a particular need for assistance.

No, but communications costs related to your travel (international cell phone plan, local SIM card, etc.) are authorized reimbursable expenses.